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/ Developer Source 16 / Developer Source Volume 16 (I-MODE Publications, Inc.)(1999).iso / softw / jan97 / 1p65.gif < prev    next >
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OCR: Do you have a security policy? @ Yes No, but plan to within 12 months No plans for a policy iDon't know 3% 54% 17% 26% If so, what does your security policy cover? Authorized Software Use 88% Computer Viruses 83% Microcomputer/PC Security 70% Disaster Recovery 69% Release of Proprietary Information 5.8% Dial-up Security 570% Mainframe Computer Security 55% Computer Ethics 53% Client/Server Security 50% Midrange Computer Security 47% Internet Security 40% Laptop/Portable Computer Security 40% Document Control 3996 Telecom Security 38%% Employee Security Handbook 38% 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%